More success at the Chichester Challenge

Thirteen members from SDFM attended the Chichester Challenge, held on Wednesday 15th in Chichester Film & Video Makers clubroom in Tozer Way, Chichester.  Our entries were Dead on Time; Painting with Glass; Ferring Postcard plus two shorts High Jinx and Well Connected.  I am delighted to report that our team were successful in beating our rivals by 19 points to 12.  Irina was the judge from SDFM, with Stan Harvey-Merritt from Chichester (their President) and independent judge Simon Eden, Producer/Director/Screenwriter.

So well done to all who were involved with producing these films!  It’s great to have the trophy back from Chichester who were winners last year. Let’s keep up the good work.

Bob Summers


Photos by Mike Spanton:

Stan Harvey-Merritt presenting the Chichester Challenge trophy to our chairman Roy Powell.

The final scoreboard.

The 3 judges: Irina Pitman from South Downs; Independent judge Simon Eden; Chichester judge Stan Harvey-Merritt