Roy had the onerous task of collecting all the trophies at SERIAC!

Only two SDFM members attended the SERIAC film festival at the Oast Theatre in Tonbridge on Saturday 11th May, and Alan Cross had to leave early. So it was left to Roy Powell to get worn out walking up and receiving all the awards for the club! Congratulations to all the winners:

Trophy Winners

Kent Cup for Best film by IAC affiliated club – ‘Goon today but not forgotten’ (SDFM)

Southern Sound Trophy for Best use of Sound – ‘The Elephant’ (SDFM)

JVC Trophy for Best edited film – ‘Goody two shoes’ (Alan Cross in association with SDFM)


Highly Commended Certificates  

Traffic Control’ (Alan Cross)

‘Shoreham Lifeboat’ (Roy Powell)

‘The Road to Hoops aid’ (Howard Johnson)