Film Shows

We offer entertaining film shows to all types of clubs and societies in West and East Sussex and have a

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About SDFM

South Downs Film Makers was founded in 1989 as an amateur film making club, and has held its meetings at

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Production News

The premiere screening of Alan Cross’s new spy thriller ‘The Briefcase’, made in conjunction with South Downs Film Makers, took

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Are you:
– Interested in developing a new creative hobby in the world of amateur movie making?
– Looking for new ways to be creative with your camera, mobile phone or drone?
– Already an experienced amateur filmmaker or simply wondering how to get started?
– Keen to make films with others – behind the camera, recording sound, editing, directing, scripting  or acting?
– Wanting to show your films to others or to enter them into local and national competitions?

If so, SDFM may be just the club for you. Perhaps you have dabbled with making home videos but want to improve your skills?  However, previous experience is not essential as you will quickly learn from working with others.  You don’t even need to have your own video camera.  We have some great film-making equipment available for members’ use and you will be given suitable training.  So, if the idea of working with like-minded individuals and having fun producing local film projects appeals to you, come and join us for a couple of no–obligation meetings. We would love to meet you.

We are an friendly enthusiastic film-making club, making Drama, Documentary and Comedy films for amateur film competitions and the community generally.

We meet at Ferring Village Hall throughout the year, usually on the third Wednesday of the month. Today, we have around 25 members who meet at this venue to participate in an interesting programme of activities for our members. (See the Events Calendar for programme details).

The club’s aims are:

To encourage interest in film making as a hobby (Drama, Documentary & Comedy)
To help increase the knowledge and technical ability of our members
To have fun and build friendships

The club is fortunate in owning two semi-professional Panasonic cameras and tripods, two pairs of Sennheiser EW112P-G4-GB radio mics, which are available for use in club productions. We also have a range of other equipment – including portable LED panel lights, microphones, royalty-free music, all of which are available for members’ use, free of charge.

Several competitions are held throughout the year to encourage film making amongst our members. Some competitions are internal and others external where club films are entered into competition against those of other clubs, both regionally, nationally and even internationally.

External Film-shows
The club regularly provides film-shows to local groups in the community e.g. WI, church and social groups etc.

Our Club Website – ‘’
Our club website includes Blog Posts about activities taking place within the club, together with an ‘Events’ calendar detailing upcoming club meetings and other events in the amateur film world, which my be of interest to members and others. Current Committee members are also listed as well as links to current film productions.

New Members
Potential new members are always welcome to come along and join us for an evening. For more information please email: or use our contact form below:

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