A rather poor turnout for our member’s films evening held on Wednesday 15th January in our usual venue of Ferring Village Hall. However the 12 members and 2 guests who did turn up enjoyed some very different films. The first half was devoted to Howard Johnson’s epic ‘Moana Lisa’, featuring himself and Jacque Fulker. You wouldn’t believe that Jacque is really quite a shy person after watching her performance in this film! I won’t give too much away as Howard is going to edit the film down to competition length, so we will be watching it again soon.
After Kay Nilsen and Pauline Reymond had refreshed us with tea, coffee and biscuits, we watched a variety of films by Mike Spanton, Irina Pitman and Chris Morgan, featuring travel films from Turkey, Seville and Sydney together with a protest march in Trafalgar Square and then off into the Twilight Zone!
Below: Setas de Sevilla (initially titled Metropol Parasol), in Seville, Spain, featured in one of Irina’s films.
Photos courtesy of Wikipedia