Our Social Co-Ordinator, Pauline Reymond writes:
On Weds 21st August, weather permitting, Howard Johnson will be hosting a tea party for members in his beautiful garden, starting at 2.30pm. If the weather lets us down we will be squeezed indoors.
You may bring a guest. We will be serving tea, coffee or fruit juice, cakes and biscuits.
If you would like an alternative drink, please bring your own.
You are welcome to bring savoury snacks, e.g. crisps, cheesy biscuits and nuts
If you have special dietary needs please bring your own food.
I do need to have the names of those who intend to come along, preferably by email.
If you have any queries please contact me.
The closing date for bookings is Wednesday 7th August.
Howard has several garden games, and you will be welcome to have a swim.
Best wishes