Wednesday 17th July saw an enjoyable club evening which included the screening of 2 films made by Ian & Christine Ryder and Howard Johnson, from the filming of an interview with club member Michael Boddington back in February. It was hoped that more films might have been produced by others doing the filming or making use of the recorded interview material.
This was followed by a discussion about the club’s future and in particular the results of a member’s survey conducted by the committee. Members were invited to consider the results of the survey and to respond to requests for assistance in running the club.
The survey asked several key questions with the intention of getting positive member’s responses to ensure the club can remain sustainable long term, so it asked:
– What activities to focus on
– What activities might be dropped
– Who might be able to help running the club, and how
The committee said they would keep members posted on progress, and they will consider how we can improve and streamline the club to be fit for the coming years. It was accepted there will be challenges, but there’s plenty of reasons to be hopeful too!
Following the tea/coffee break, a new script (under the umbrella of being a ‘Summer Shoot’ project) was table-read, to enable all present to get a feel for the film’s concept and to offer suggestions for it at this early stage. The film script (with the working title of ‘Echoes of the Past), had been written by Alan Cross, Thomas Toghill and Tom Weager.
“The past is never where you think you left it”