Production News

The premiere screening of Alan Cross’s new spy thriller ‘The Briefcase’, made in conjunction with South Downs Film Makers, took place on Wednesday 19th June, to a packed club room at Ferring Village Hall. The film’s cast, crew and guests, were treated to their first viewing of the 22-minute film on the big screen. Since then the film has won many allocolades in many local and national film competitions.

This production followed the success of last year’s 2 films about Lancing and Durrington, made by club members as part of the club’s ‘Summer Shoot’ internal film competition. This year the club has been focusing on the production of a new drama, for completition now in 2025, with the intention of entering it into local and national film competitions. Many club members are involved taking on the roles of acting and crew.

‘Tripwire’, a recent film by club member Alan Cross, has also enjoyed much success at local and national film festivals, and other films are being made by individual club members.

Scripts are always being sought for both club and personal film productions. Do you have any ideas for stories that could be filmed by the club? Do you know anybody who may be interested in acting in our films? Whilst we have a few members who are willing to (and capable of) acting, we often struggle with obtaining actors (of the right age) for our productions.
Are you interested in directing, or helping with productions? Members will be offered the opportunity of helping in some capacity with the making of the films. This could be anything from pre-production activities including finances, storyboarding, shooting schedules in conjunction with the producer and director, through to acting and crewing with all the various types of roles required here. If you are interested, then please get in touch and let us know.