Roy Powell in the chair and 14 other members of South Downs Film Makers.
Election of Officers:
Once again, there were no nominations for any committee post. Many of those on the committee have more than one role and this cannot continue.
In view of this situation, Roy Powell suggested leaving vacant, any unfilled positions from the committee, including those of Chairman and Vice Chair. The Chairman’s role would be covered on a rota basis by all members of the Committee. Whilst most members of the committee were content to carry on, several wished to relinquish roles, where more than one position was held. Since no one was willing to take over as Freeze Frame editor, it was proposed and unanimously carried that, for the time being, the magazine would cease to be published. Your new committee is here
Any Other Business:
Long standing member, John Fisher is no longer able to attend to club meetings on a regular basis and in view of this it was agreed he should become an Associate member.
Roy Powell outlined several projects for the coming year, including the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee activities which he hoped would involve many club members. John Lovell spoke about the outline of a new drama he is working on which will require 11 cast members.
New member, Kai Vollprecht, felt the club had a lot of potential and suggested that we could explore the possibility of working with local schools, inviting them to participate in a film-making competition. The committee agreed to explore this.
Others felt we needed to reach out to new members and the possibility of raising our social media presence was raised.