Wednesday 20th January saw us watching a varied selection of films produced by club members. The invitation to join the Zoom meeting had also been sent out to members of Surrey Border Film Makers, following their invitation to us to join in their members’ films night. 3 of their members Zoomed in together with 13 SDFM members and all enjoyed the evening’s entertainment.
A total of 6 films from 3 members were shown varying in run times from 5 minutes to 59 minutes. The films were viewed on YouTube and Vimeo by the host sending out the links via the Zoom chat facility. Not ideal, but experience has taught us that the alternative of sharing the hosts screen to watch films results in poor quality and stuttering. (The photo is a still from Mike Spanton’s ‘Big Elephant’ film).
It looks if we shall be watching films via Zoom for a little while yet. The process and settings are always under review to enable members to have the best possible viewing experience.