Can it get any better?
Seven trophies for South Downs Film Makers in a weekend !
Congratulations to those members responsible for producing these films.
Results from SERIAC Film Festival 8th April 2017
Tea & Toast
Highly Commended
Production crew: David Allen, Howard Johnson, Mike Spanton, Brian Meetens, John Fisher.
Bench by the sea:
Regional Shield for best film in the festival
Kent Cup for best film from an IAC affiliated Club
Marina Trophy for best drama / story film
The Baynes Trophy for best photography
Alan Cross & Mike Spanton.
Results from the Albany Film Festival 9th April 2017
Travel Companion:
The Runners up trophy.
The Syd Mitchell Editing Trophy for Best edited entry
Story: Irina Pitman.
Directed: Alan Cross.
Camera: Mike Spanton.
Sound: David Allen.
The Greenyer Trophy for Best use of sound
The Picture
Writers: Chris Hodson & Brian Meetens.
Producers: Brian Meetens & John Guile.
Director John Guile; Cameras: Richard Stockwell & Keith Poley.
Sound: David Allen.