Recent Club News

South Downs Film Makers AGM – Wednesday 15th March

Our AGM took place on 15th March, where Alan Cross took over as Treasurer of the club, and Chris Morgan moved from External Shows co-ordinator to Competitions co-ordinator, and Irina Pitman stood down as Publicity co-ordinator. Our secretary Bob Summer reminded us of the clubs successes in 2022 in both internal and external film competitions and festivals, and confirmed that the club’s finances are in good shape despite the overall membership numbers not increasing. Emphasis was placed on getting more club films made in 2023 for competition entries but also to ensure we are able to present new films during our external film showings to the public. We also remembered the loss of club member Alan Eyles and Howard Johnson’s wife Christine during 2022.

Rod Willerton Showreel – Wednesday 19th April

At our club meeting on 19th April, we were treated to a show-reel of films produced by the club’s long standing friend, Rod Willerton, from Haywards Heath Movie Makers.  Rod is a master of documentary films and his latest show-reel fully lived up to expectations. 

Rod’s style is that of gentle observation, with faultless, smooth camerawork, good use of background music and a mellifluous, well researched narration.  His subjects  on this show-reel included a film featuring a community led Poppy Day event in Haywards Heath, a visit to picturesque Lacock Abbey and village in Wiltshire and a story about Rowland Emett, the cartoonist and whimsical inventor who lived at Ditchling.

All members agreed, it was a most enjoyable selection of films.